Calculate moment of inertia solidworks
Calculate moment of inertia solidworks

calculate moment of inertia solidworks

  • Radius of Gyration (about Z and Y Axis): The distance from an axis at which the area of a cross-section shape must be concentrated to result in the same moment of inertia as the actual shape.
  • Monosymmetry Constant (about Z and Y Axis): A measure of how symmetric a cross-section shape is about a specific axis, with a value of zero indicating perfect symmetry.
  • calculate moment of inertia solidworks

  • Warping Constant: A value that describes a material's resistance to warping or distortional deformation.
  • Torsion Radius: The distance from an axis at which the area of a cross-section shape must be concentrated to result in the same torsion constant as the actual shape.
  • Torsion Constant (Using FEA): A value that describes a material's resistance to twisting or torsional deformation, calculated using Finite Element Analysis.
  • Distance of Shear Centre to Centroid (in both Z and Y Axis): Sk圜iv centroid calculator helps calculate the distance between the shear center and the centroid of a cross-section shape.
  • Shear Area (about Z and Y Axis): The area of a cross-section shape that is effective in resisting shear forces.
  • Plastic Neutral Axis (about Z and Y Axis): An axis in a cross-section shape through which all forces acting on the shape must pass in order to result in plastic deformation.
  • Plastic Section Modulus (about Z and Y Axis): A measure of the ability of a cross-section shape to resist plastic bending, used to estimate the stress of a material when it begins to yield (reach its plastic limit) under a specific load.
  • Product of Inertia (about Z and Y Axis): A measure of a shape's resistance to rotation about a specific axis, equal to the cross product of the distance from the axis to any point on the shape and the corresponding component of the point's moment of inertia.

    Other Parameters – These are more advanced results calculated by the full Sk圜iv Section Builder: The Plastic Section Modulus (S) - a measurement of the ability of a cross-section shape to resist plastic bending, used to estimate the stress of a material when it begins to yield (reach its plastic limit) under a specific load and is typically used for design and analysis of beams under load.Torsion Constant (J) - also known as the polar moment of inertia or J, is a value that describes a material's resistance to twisting or torsional deformation.For instance, Szt is the section modulus about the Z axis to the top fibre of the section. They are usually calculated to the top and bottom fibres section. Zz, Zy in Britain or Australia)–Also known as statical section modulus, and are used in bending stress calculations. Elastic Section Modulus (Sz, Sy in America.The calculator will provide this value, but click here to learn more about calculating the first moment of area. These are typically used in shear stress calculations, so the larger this value the stronger the section is against shearing. Like the Moment of Inertia, these are in both the Z and Y direction. Statical Moment of Inertia (Qz, Qy)–Also known as First Moment of Area, this measures the distribution of a beam section’s area from an axis.The above calculator also acts as a centroid calculator, calculating the X and Y centroid of any type of shape.


    Learn how to calculate the centroid of a beam section. For non-symmetrical shapes (such as angle, Channel) these will be in different locations. For symmetrical shapes, this will be geometric center. Centroid (Cz, Cy)–this is the center of mass for the section and usually has a Z and Y component.See Moment of Ineria of a circle to learn more. Also worth noting that if a shape has the same dimensions in both directions (square, circular etc.) these values will be the same in both directions.This is because sections aren’t designed to take as much force about this axis Y- Axis (Iy) –This is about the Y axis and is considered the minor or weak axis.Z-Axis (Iz)–This is about the Z axis and is typically considered the major axis since it is usually the strongest direction of the member.The higher this number, the stronger the section. Moment of Inertia (Iz, Iy)–also known as second moment of area, is a calculation used to determine the strength of a member and it’s resistance against deflection.Area of Section (A) - Section area is a fairly simple calculation, but directly used in axial stress calculations (the more cross section area, the more axial strength).

    calculate moment of inertia solidworks

    Here is a concise list of the section property terms and definitions: The moment of inertia calculator will accurately calculate a number of important section properties used in structural engineering.

    Calculate moment of inertia solidworks